Parklands Nursery School

Parklands Nursery School
Spinney Hill Rd, Northampton NN3 6DW

01604 642118
Call us:
Parklands Nursery School is a Maintained School and has been part of the community for over 40 years. The School is open from 8.30am to 3.30pm term time, providing a range of educational and care places for children from the age two to aged five.
We have a dedicated team of nursery practitioners, teachers and leaders who are passionate about providing the best quality care and education for all children.
We work in partnership with our parents right from the start from a home visit and play sessions before a child starts. We build positive relationships with parents and children to ensure every child feels secure and thrives.
Our Ethos
Children and their families are treated as individuals and we strive to meet their individual needs. We are committed to working with parents and other agencies to provide each child with the best start in life.
World Book Day March 2023
Feb 23Parklands Nursery 2022Mr Wellard
Good morning everybody, I hope everyone is well
.It is World Book day next Thursday the 2nd of March. In celebration of this event staff and children can dress up as their favourite story book character. Please be mindful though children will still be able to access the outdoor area and may get dirty. Throughout the day staff will be reading their favourite children's books and we have had a delivery from the LRE (Northamtonshire Library service) which we will putting into our lending library for you to borrow. I will also post some videos of staff reading stories for you to share with the children at home. Any questions, please ask.
Thanks. Simon
24 February 2023

Parklands Nursery School Stay-and-Play Group - Back Mon 26th Sept
The Playing Together Group at Parklands Nursery School is re-starting on Monday 26th September 2022 1.30-3pm for families with children 0-5 years.
See our flyer on the About Us / Policies & Reports page
We look forward to seeing you there!
16 September 2022

Important Dates
Important Dates
Nursery Opens Term 6 – Monday 6th June 2022
Parent Consultation Tuesday 12th July 2022
Parent Consultation Wednesday 13th July 2022
Forest School Project (3 year old only) Every Friday 10th June – 15th June
Last Day of Term 6 – Tuesday 19th July 2022
Nursery Closed Training Days Wednesday 20th July 2022 and Thursday 21st July 2022
14 June 2022

Forest School Project
Forest School Project
We have been fortunate to be approached by a Northamptonshire Park Ranger to take part in an exciting Forest School Project at Bradlaugh Fields. This project will focus upon 3 year old children and take place on Friday afternoons for 6 weeks. Whilst we’re super excited and keen to be involved, we are sorry we cannot offer this experience to all children at this time. Having said this, if this project is successful and enjoyed by the children, this is something we will be keen to continue and extend to all our children in the new academic year. So, if your child is 3, please look out for additional information.
14 June 2022

Parent Consultations
Parent Consultations
This term parents will have the opportunity to book a 10 minute parent consultation meeting with your child’s keyworker. This will provide you with an update on your child’s learning and progress. We do hope you will take this opportunity to book an appointment.
These will be face-to-face meetings held at Nursery. Playgroup appointments will be on
Tuesday 12th July 4pm – 7pm.
Nursery Appointments will be Tuesday 12th July 4pm – 7pm and Wednesday 13th July 3pm – 5pm.
Appointments will be booked on a first come, first served basis. Please sign up or call the office to book your time slot.
If you are unable to attend in person, we can arrange for a telephone consultation to be arranged. It is crucial we meet with every family as your voice is important to your child’s learning journey too. We value your partnership in best supporting children’s learning and development.
14 June 2022

June Newsletter
End of Term 5
I can’t believe another term has passed by. The children have had another fantastic term filled with lots of learning, development and progress. The keyworkers are looking forward to meeting with all parents when we return in June, as we approach the end of the academic year. This will be a perfect opportunity for parents of our school leavers to celebrate all the wonderful achievements your child has enjoyed throughout their time at Parklands Nursery school. As well as parents of returning children to look back through your child’s learning journey and look ahead to another amazing year next year. Starting School Transitions Lots of activities are underway for children who will be starting school in September. Conversations with primary schools have begun and we have invited reception teachers to come and see your children in their happy and confident learning environment. This will give new teachers the opportunity to begin building positive relationships and find out all about your children. Primary schools should also be in touch with you to arrange stay and play sessions in their new primary schools. We are keen to support all children as they embark on a new learning adventure so please do speak to your child’s key worker if you think your child may need something a little extra. We are here to support you all. Please note due to staffing we are unable to take children to attend their stay and play session at Parklands Primary School. Therefore, children will need to be collected by parents/ carers on and responsible for their children during their time at the primary school on those days.
Thank you!
Thank you to all the grownups that have donated clothes, shoes, toys and books to nursery. We really do appreciate your help and support. Please keep donations coming. If you have any spare, outgrown, still in good condition items, we would welcome them here at Parklands Nursery School.
Jubilee Celebrations
What a fantastic turn out we had for our Jubilee Garden Party parent event. It was such a wonderful experience to celebrate such a significant moment in history with parents, carers and extended family members. It was a joy to be part of such a special teaching moment, recognising the value of coming together to share special moments. The outfits were INCREDIBLE, that goes for the parents and grandparents too! This event was enjoyed by all that we look forward to holding more in the future. Thank you to everyone for your part in helping to decorate, dress up and enjoy playing with your children at nursery.
14 June 2022

Our new website is here!
Dear Parents/Carers
We are proud to share our new website with you. Please bookmark this page for future reference.
We'll share anything School related with you here, and hope to keep you informed of future events at Parklands. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us for any further information.
14 June 2022

School notices will appear here, but there are none to see at present.
Executive Head Teacher
Lyndsey Lambert
Deputy Head Teacher
Helen Vann
Lauren Jacques
Claire Eustace
We are always so proud to show prospective families around our wonderful Nursery School.
Click the link below for a little snapshot of how much fun we have here at Parklands and give us a call if you'd like to come and visit.
We have spaces in our nursery school for 2 - 4 year olds. Please contact us for more information, or click Enrol to apply for your child.
We are proud to be part of the Foundations for Children Nursery Schools Federation, working with children and families across Northamptonshire.

Parklands Nursery is a GOOD school. Thank you to the parents that spoke to the School inspector during our Ofsted inspection; this was acknowledged within the report. Please join us in celebrating the success of the inspection; we are very proud of the outcome and continue to strive to provide your children with the best early years education.
“Children like learning and really enjoy their time in the Nursery. They feel completely safe settle quickly into the day-to-day routines. Their behaviour is excellent because they learn to respect and consider the needs of others.“
Nursery Education
Funded Places
These are early education places funded by the Government. They are available for all 3 and 4 year olds and for some eligible 2 years olds. Please see the Local Authority website for more information click here
Childcare Fees
There are no images to show at present, but we're working on it! Please check back again soon.
Policies & Reports
Staff members
There is a Code of Conduct, to which all staff are required to work. As a staff team we are extremely experienced, and we are actively involved in the training and professional development of students and of other staff in the County.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
To contact us on any safeguarding issue please contact us and ask for the Designated Safeguarding Senior Lead and in her absence ask for any of the other Deputy Safeguarding Leads.
Staff Vacancies
Please contact the Nursery School using the contact button above to find out about our current vacancies
Staff Training Day
Staff are very well inducted and supervised and have regular appraisals. We close on 3 days per year for staff training.
Our last training day on 22nd October 2021 was our first joint training day as 'Foundations for Children Nursery Schools Federation.' The Federation comprises of Camrose Early Years Centre, Parklands Nursery School, both in Northampton, and Croyland and Highfield Nursery Schools in Wellingborough. The training day was focused on the Early Years Reforms for Education and Care of children aged 0-5 years, published in Sept 21.
These professional development opportunities allow the teachers and practitioners working with your children to be up to date with the most effective teaching and learning strategies that can help all children achieve their full potential. As you can see from the photos there were many opportunities to share and discuss best practice across the four Nursery Schools.
Please see some pics from the day below.

Contact the School
We would love to hear from you, please do get in touch. You can do this by calling Parklands Nursery School on 01604 642118 (8am to 4pm Mon-Fri).
Our Bursar can be contacted directly by email
Email Camrose Early Years Centre
Email Croyland Nursery School
Email Highfield Nursery School
Email Parklands Nursery School
“Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early years setting, the results have a positive impact on children’s developments and learning”
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Principles into Practice, 2007, Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
Parklands Nursery School
Spinney Hill Rd, Northampton NN3 6DW
01604 642118