Our Governing Board
Governance Files
Our Governors
As of 2nd December 2021, Camrose Early Years Centre joined the Foundations for Children Nursery Schools Federation, with Croyland Nursery School and Highfield Nursery School in Wellingborough and Parklands Nursery School in Northampton. The Federation has one governing body and an Executive Headteacher working across the four schools.
The governing body sets the strategic direction for the Federation and holds the Executive Headteacher and senior management team to account for the quality of our provision. They are ‘critical friends’, supporting and challenging rigorously all aspects of the Federation’s work, including: compliance with current legislation; monitoring of school budgets and progress against the Federation Development Plan targets; reviewing policies & procedures and challenging these where appropriate.
The governing body work closely with the Executive Headteacher and staff and undertake visits individually, to the Nursery Schools in the Federation on a regular basis to review activities and to ensure they understand what goes on, and why.
The Full Governing Board (FGB) meetings take place at least four times a year (once per term). In addition, two sub-committees – the Resources Committee (dealing with Finance, Personnel, Premises and Health & Safety issues) and the Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Committee – each meet at least three times per year. The debates and outcomes from these committee meetings then feed into the Full Governing Body meetings.
CONTACT US: The governors welcome any ideas / suggestions you have regarding the Federation's Nursery Schools. If you wish to contact the governors, please either drop a note into the office with your comments and contact details, or e-mail us direct: governors@ffcnschools.com
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a governor yourself, please contact the Chair of Governors by email; governors@ffcnschools.com
Foundations for Children
Nursery Schools Federation
Contact Croyland Nursery School
Croyland Rd, Wellingborough NN8
Tel: 01933 279681