About us
Our vision is to provide warm, stimulating, welcoming environments which give a secure foundation for all children and their families to become happy, confident, caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a lifelong love of learning. We are very proud of our lovely schools and welcome all visitors.

A desire to communicate
Communication is not just about talking, but involves learning to manage their feelings, gaining basic social skills, making themselves understood and learning to understand others.
When children discover that others can be a great source of fun, new ideas and experiences, their future learning and life skills can be truly enhanced.

Be respected and respectful
Learning that they are valued as an individual and therefore to value others. To recognise that we are all different and by learning more about one another we are being respectful.

Be inquistive and curious
Children’s natural curiosity; the definition of which is ‘a strong desire to know or learn something’, leads to exploration, wondering, testing, questioning, so extending their abilities and knowledge.
Curiosity often leads to delight. The delight of a two-year-old is something to behold; a clear indication that a child is being rewarded solely by the sheer pleasure of a new discovery, experience or feeling. This is the essence of learning through play.

Be independent and resourceful
They can access the learning environment with ease and confidence of what they need to achieve their set tasks. They can adapt well in different situations, making compromises and think of creative solutions in their play and learning.

Be prepared to take risks
Risk taking is a normal part of development; it allows a child to define their identity and grow as an individual. Calculate risks can include physical, social, emotional and cognitive risks as they develop new skills.

Show care and concern for others
Being aware of the feelings of others. For young children this may be shown initially by being aware of a child nearby that is sad. For older children they begin to listen to others and turn take with resources. This is the early stages of empathy. “love grows brains”

Have a sense of belonging, feel safe and secure
Our experience tells us that until a child trusts and is comfortable with us and our school, they cannot relax and begin to explore and learn.
Feeling safe and secure is the first quality we want to foster in any child who comes to Nursery School.

Have a positive self-image
This is an essential ingredient in learning, as a child will feel worthy of the positive attention of others; confident they will be liked; and that they are able. Having a positive self-image protects them emotionally, when things go wrong as they will bounce back.
Foundations for Children
Nursery Schools Federation
Contact Croyland Nursery School
Croyland Rd, Wellingborough NN8
Tel: 01933 279681